intraday trading for beginners

intraday trading for beginners

How to Profit from Trading and Investing

How to profit from trading and investing?

In this article we will understand why traders are not able to make profit from trading and investing? If this is sorted, automatically traders and investors will get on the path of profitability. After all, every trader that is participating in the market wants to trade for profit. However, markets are brutal and they favor

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How do you develop an investing mindset?

Mastering investing psychology is crucial for success in the markets. Here are some key tricks to help you improve and master your investing psychology: Self-Awareness Develop self-awareness by recognizing and understanding your emotions, biases, and thought patterns while investing. Pay attention to how you react to different market situations and identify any patterns of behavior

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Trading journal created by an investor

Before we jump into understanding how to create a trading journal, let’s understand the what, why and when a trading journal required. What makes it a very important document? What types of traders need this trading journal? What is a trade plan or a trading journal? A trade plan or a trading journal is a

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